Thursday, December 4, 2008

I know, I know.... but it's the Holidays!

So after being called out by coworkers and my husband, the only fools who read this thing, I have decided to go ahead and catch you up on the cracker-ish things I have been doing.
Let me start by stating the obvious, it the holidays and I am very excited! I was so eager to decorate our home that I jumped the gun and put up our tree almost a week before Thanksgiving. K's awesome family happens to grow quite a few Christmas trees on their property and they allowed P and I to trek through and pick out the perfect tree for our first home. (note: don't run through a tree farm or tree laden area, you will trip over stumps!) After perusing around we decided to go big or go home, by that I mean that we went with a 10 foot tall tree! With the exception of having to snip a few sprouts off at the top, it fit perfectly in what I now affectionately call the "Christmas Room." Thankfully, K and her husband cut the tree and delivered it right to our front door, so it was virtually hassle free. I am a little sad now that I opted not to get a smaller, "Charlie Brown" tree, in addition to the main tree. Now the second floor of our home feels a little devoid of the holiday spirit. Oh well. Here is a pic of the beauty.

My camera seems to take fuzzy pics with the flash off so here is the same pic with the flash on to help you get a better view.

Now I always give credit when it's due. I invited E over to help with my creativity block. Basically, I pulled out all my Christmas decorations and the ladder and told her to get to work. Meanwhile, I went back to the kitchen and proceeded to bake goodies! I did help a little bit but when I came back the tree was nearly complete and I had two Christmas-y mantles.

As of now, there are presents under the tree, more ornaments have been added, and that pesky ribbon is fixed. I am also happy to report that the tree is still alive and kickin'. It is my personal mission to keep it alive through mid-January. I may still forget to give ole' Newtie water (kidding) but that tree shall never thirst for water! Just for kicks, here is poor Newton enjoying a snooze in the Christmas Room.